Tesla Model 3 Auto Car




    Type : Sell
    Condition : Used
    Warranty : Yes
    Location : Xiamen, Fujian, China
    1. Perfect Body condition, In and out.
    2. Perfect Mechanical condition
    3. Automatic transmission
    4. Parking Sensors
    5. Premium Sound System
    6. Anti-Lock Brakes/ABS
    7. Cruise Control
    8. Front Airbags
    9. Power Steering
    10. Side Airbags
    11. Left Hand Steering Side

    Mention TheMarketsOnlineng.com when calling seller to get a good deal



    Xiamen, Fujian, China
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    Safety Tips for Buyers and Sellers
    1. Meet in Safe Locations: Always meet in public spaces when finalizing deals.
    2. Inspect Before Buying: Verify the quality and condition of agricultural products before payment.
    3. Avoid Pre-Payments: Never send money before receiving and inspecting the item.
    4. Verify Seller Details: Ensure contact details are genuine and trustworthy.
    5. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, reconsider the deal.
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